Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Pinterest Projects: Cool Coasters

Ok, I'm totally hooked--on Pinterest. At first, I was confused by all the goodness; but now, I love it. I have found SO many great and inexpensive gift ideas! I'm definitely making a list (or pins) of what projects I want to tackle. I found this idea the other day: homemade, personalized coasters. I have a friend getting married soon and I thought this would be a perfect gift. Coasters are one of those things that we didn't register for; but, someone had the forethought to buy us and we use them all the time. Anyway...
The materials:

-4, 41/4 in x 41/2 in tiles  (I purchased mine at Menards for 11 cents each)
-4 square pictures (cut slightly smaller than the square tiles)
-Mod Podge
-foam brush
- 4 square pieces of felt (again, cut slightly smaller than the tiles squares)

  The Materials (minus the felt)

The Procedure:
1. Clean the tiles so they are free of any fingerprints. Then, paint Mod Podge onto the back of the picture and place it on the tile making sure there is even space around the edges. Allow time to dry.
2. Then, take your felt and mod podge it onto the back of your tile. (You can also use cork, but I had felt from a previous project) Allow time to dry.

3. Then, mod podge over the top of your picture in order to seal it so the water from the glass won't affect the picture. Allow time to dry.  Then, if wanted, you can add more coats of Mod Podge (I put on 3 coats).

No worries if it looks like this--it will dry!
4. When dry, you can stack your new coasters and attach a ribbon.
I think it's just the perfect, personalized gift! 



Chelsey said...

Love this idea for wedding gifts! I'll have to make a test run for myself first :)

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