Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Little Get-Away...

I'mmmmmm baaaaaaaack! These past few days, Shaun and I were able to make a little get-away to Branson. I know--it isn't really a destination spot these days; and, let's just say that we were, well...the minority. Our gray-haired friends were plenteous so that made for a few long, slow drives. But, we had an amazing time!
I am so thankful for my sweet husband (I'll say more on that later) but these few days gave much to be thankful for!
Day 8: We spent this day traveling. I absolutely love being with my husband; I am so thankful that we were able to spend 5 entire days together! I loved having the opportunity to talk about serious matters and not-so-serious matters--he can be a goof!
Day 9: We went sight-seeing around Branson. It's a beautiful time of year there. I am so thankful for God's creation and that He allows us to enjoy it!
Day 10: We spent the day at Silver Dollar City. Silver Dollar City is one of my most favorite places. My family went there several times when I was a younger and I love everything about it! The ride lines were super short; so, we got to ride a lot of roller coasters (probably due to our gray-haired friends). SO much fun!
Day 11: In the evening, we went to a murder-mystery show. The show itself was a little corny; but, we still had fun trying to figure out 'who-done-it'.
Day 12: We spent the day traveling again and stopping a few times along the way for some historical markers and interesting sites; and, of course, lot of talking!
We also discovered something this weekend that we now love: Duck Dynasty. I have heard a few people talking about this show and I thought it sounds totally ridiculous. I mean, why would anyone want to watch a bunch of hicks that make duck calls....not for me. But, we watched one episode and we were hooked. It's so funny (and I appreciate that it's a clean funny!) So, we spent much of the drive home repeating the ever-funny Uncle Si! So thankful that God gave us the ability to laugh. 
I'm SO thankful  for our little get-away from reality trip. It was much needed and I thank God for a sweet time together with my favorite man!

And for today, I'm thankful for a washing machine to clean all of our clothes from our trip! I couldn't imagine having to wash clothes the "old-fashion way!"

Until tomorrow....

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Proverbs 21:1 The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the LORD; he turns it wherever he will.

Today, I'm thankful for a God that is in control. I'm thankful that God is sovereign and nothing is ever out of His plan. The results of the election definitely didn't come as a surprise to God. Honestly, I don't think that God "won" either way the election went. But, we know that God will always win in the end.  My heart does hurt as my eyes open to the fact that so many people are in America disregard clear, direct principles found in God's Word. I fear for the future of this country and the future of my children in a world that doesn't value human life and Biblical relationships.

But, what hope I can have in the fact that GOD IS STILL ON THE THRONE! He can never be voted out and His way is perfect. 

Well, I'm signing off for the next few days! But, when I come back, I know I will have a lot to be thankful for!    

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


November 6th, 2012. The day that has been talked about for quite some time: Election Day.  On on hand, I'm so glad this day is here (and I'm almost certain you are too) for the mere reason that I'm sick of the political ads. I mean, seriously, do I need to get 4 (yes 4!) flyers in the mail from the same candidate on the same day? Ugh! And, I'm not even in a swing state...I really feel for those poor people!
On another hand, this day makes me a little nervous. I know that the president makes a lot of crucial decisions for our country; and, honestly, I am not impressed with either choice for president. However, I'm not going to get into that. Ultimately, I want the man in charge of our country be a man that fears, loves and follows God. But, I know the even if he doesn't, I STILL CAN!
Today, I am thankful for the ability to cast my vote--and, I will (Although I haven't yet). I'm thankful for my freedoms as an American Citizen.
But, more than anything, I'm thankful that my future does not rest in the hands of a man; but rather in a perfect, unfailing, all-powerful God. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Third, Fourth, and Fifth

My weekend was busy! And, it's hard to keep up with the blog. But, all that busy-ness provides great reasons to be thankful.

Third: On Saturday, we went to a family reunion for my husband's side. Honestly, I am so thankful for my in-laws--all of them. They are so gracious to me in making me part of the family. We have a lot of fun together and I appreciate the grace they give in overlooking all my quirks.

Fourth: I am thankful for fellowship. True fellowship. I love when Christians can get together and fellowship with their common bond in Christ.

Fifth: I'm thankful for the time change. Honestly, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me why we have to throw a big change-up in our schedule twice a year. But, this morning, I am thankful for the fact that it was light out when my husband went to work. It isn't a big deal; but, it helps me to be a bit more productive rather than just wanting to curl back up in bed. :)

And, I'm thankful for the cooler weather today so that I can do some baking!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Second Day

Well, it's almost Day 3; but today, I am thankful for phone and skype calls from long-distant friends. I am so blessed to have the friends that I have. I am not super good at keeping up with my dearest friends that are spread all over; but, the beauty of my wonderful friendships is that we just pick up where we left off. I miss them dearly, but I am so thankful for modern technology that allows us to keep in touch.
Yesterday, my sweet friend Sarah called and we had a 2 hour conversation. It was a wonderful time to catch up and talk about what God was teaching us. And tomorrow, I have a skype date with a friend in Washington state and one in Turkey! Trust me, it was a little difficult lining up our times. But, I am SO excited. It's so crazy to have friends literally all over the world. But, so encouraging knowing that they are serving God right where He wants them.
Thank-you Lord for giving me sweet friendships!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The First

I love November! 
I love everything about November: the peak of fall. I love fall, the smells of the fall, the tastes of fall (Apple cider, pumpkin bread) and the feel of fall. I love when the cooler weather begins to set in and you can wear jeans and a cardigan. I love football season. I love bonfires and watching all the trees turn to bright red, oranges and yellows. But, most of all, I love that November is the beginning of the season in which time slows down a little (or goes really fast, depending) in which we can take some time off our normal, everyday life and reflect on the blessings we have been given. I love to have a Holiday where the main purpose is to say Thank-you! And, I feel it is so much needed in our self-centered world. So, I love the challenge of a month to give thanks! Would you join me in giving thanks this month?

And, do I have so much to give thanks for on this first day of November. First of all, one of the most precious ladies to me in the world was born on this day: My Grandma. My Grandma(s) have always been among my best friends. That may sound strange to some; but, I always thought I had some of the coolest grandmas ever. Next to my parents (and now husband) my Grandma has been one of the biggest supporters of me throughout my life. Very rarely did my Grandma ever miss a volleyball or basketball game. She is a great listener and friend. Not only did she listen to me (all the time...) she also has taught me so much. I cannot tell you how many countless hours my Grandma spent with me in the kitchen teaching me to bake and cook. We have had some pretty crazy adventures in the kitchen...and, she also spent lots of time teaching me how to sew. When I was very young, she bought me my very own sewing kit and we would sit together sewing on little projects. I always wanted to sew as good as she did. She made me countless outfits and Easter Dresses and quilts. How precious those moments were together. I still ask her lots of questions about any particular project I'm working on and she is always so gracious to lend a hand. What a blessing she is! I love you and I'm thankful for you Grandma!

November 1st is also a special day for another reason. This is a little hard to explain; but, my husband and I still celebrate November 1st as a really big day in our relationship. You see, it all starts way back when (no worries, I will make it short), when Shaun and I first met, we didn't have the greatest relationship--actually, we pert near hated each other. It's hard to explain and honestly we don't really have any reasons for it, but we could hardly stand being around each other. This went all for quite a while and one evening (October 31st to be exact) it all came to a head. We were at a friend's house and we were not getting along. The night ended in a really horrible "disagreement" and we went away furious and humiliated by the other. Great story, right?
But, there is more. We both went home that night realizing that what we were doing and how we had been acting was wrong. We had an activity planned the next day that we were both supposed to be at. Shaun sat down that night and wrote me a really long letter in which he apologized and asked if we could start anew and be friends again. The next day, he handed me the letter and I couldn't wait to read it. So, I actually went into the bathroom (cut me some slack, it was the only place I could be alone) and I sat on the floor and read the letter. With each paragraph, my heart got heavier and heavier and tears flowed out of my eyes. I knew I had been in the wrong. Shaun was a wonderful guy and I knew that I really respected him. So, later on, we made it right--in person. We asked for forgiveness and made a commitment that we would do our best to be friends. And, as God would have it, a mere 3 years, Shaun asked if I would date him on November 1 and, well, the rest is history... as I sit here with a sparkly diamond on my hand from my best friend, Shaun--the man of my dreams.We joke about our former sincere dislike for each other and say that we are thankful we got all the bickering, disagreeing and dislike out of the way before we were even in a relationship :) Although it isn't perfect, it the most perfect it could be. I could not be happier and I am so thankful for forgiveness and second-chances; and, of course for a wonderful, amazing, loving, best-ever husband.