Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thankfulness Month-Day 3

Today, my heart is heavy for a family that I love dearly. You see, a very special man in our church passed away last night; and, he is the father of one of the most influential ladies in my life.

So today, I give thanks for those people that God has given me that are seemingly always an encouragement to me no matter what they are going through.

Mr. Polley was a man that was always singing and had a smile on his face. I would ask him how he was doing and his response was always "better than I deserve, God has been good to me."  He fought with cancer for several years and God gave him many victories.  I know now that he is singing at the top of his lungs without pain and suffering.

His life was an obvious testament of the love of Christ; and, that is made more obvious by the way in which he passed on his smile and gift of encouragement to his daughters.

I'm praying today for the Polleys, Johnsons, Durees, and Winters. I pray that God will grant them a peace that passeth all understanding--a peace that can only come from knowing that their husband, father, and grandfather is in Heaven rejoicing!

And, I'm thankful--thankful for encouragement, thankful that God has given us people on this earth who can see beyond themselves and reach out to others. And, I'm challenged--challenged to be that light--challenged to see beyond myself and encourage others with the love of Christ.  

Philippians 4:7 
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.


Redhead Mama said...

So sorry for the loss in your church family, Sabrina. It is always comforting to know what splendor they are in now. Praise the Lord for His Blessed Hope!

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