Saturday, November 5, 2011

Thankfulness Month-Day 5

Today, I'm thankful for a life-long friend. Well, at least my whole life long. You know, the type of person that is basically a sister although neither of you actually had a sister.
Today, I am thankful for my wonderful cousin, Brandi. Yesterday was her birthday; but, I thought I would post today because she might have time to actually read it.
She is one busy girl--doing a fantastic job mothering two kids while in the midst of med school and a crazy schedule. I am proud of her; and, more still, so thankful for what God is doing in her life. By God's grace, she has overcome some great things and is a wonderful testament to the love and power of God!
We have had our fair share of fun and getting into trouble through the years. So many stories come flooding to my mind. She was always the one I knew I could count on to be there--whether that be after Sunday School to give me her candy or after a few rough patches in life.
And now, I am so excited to be close--distance wise--again. Even though we don't get to see each other that often because of her said schedule, I cherish the times we are able to spend together. I know God has great things in store for her and I'm excited to watch as He leads and directs her paths.
Happy, Happy Birthday, Brandi! May God give you many many more! I love you and I'm thankful for you! 


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