Wednesday, December 7, 2011

One project down!

I cannot tell you how excited I am! I FINALLY finished the big project that has been hanging over my head for a while. I completely refinished my chair.
I wish I had a before picture; but, my camera decided to reformat itself and it ate all my old pictures. Suffice it to say that I bought this chair at a garage sale for $2. The lady begged me to buy it (as she sneakily appealed to my crafty side--challenging me to refinish it) The chair had been used as an outside decoration and was in very rough shape. (My husband told me that the lady should have paid me to take it...) I had to rip off the old nasty fabric and stuffing, strip and sand the wood, re-stain, re-stuff, and re-cover. Oh, what fun! I'm glad it's done!

And, in great timing...because I wasn't quite sure where we would put it in our little apartment. But, now we have a house to put it in! More to come on that later! So thankful! :)

Ok, so I found the pictures of the chair that were somehow saved in a random section on my old computer! Yay! Here are a few shots of the "vision" (and you may now be able to understand why my husband questions my judgement on projects)