Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Little Get-Away...

I'mmmmmm baaaaaaaack! These past few days, Shaun and I were able to make a little get-away to Branson. I know--it isn't really a destination spot these days; and, let's just say that we were, well...the minority. Our gray-haired friends were plenteous so that made for a few long, slow drives. But, we had an amazing time!
I am so thankful for my sweet husband (I'll say more on that later) but these few days gave much to be thankful for!
Day 8: We spent this day traveling. I absolutely love being with my husband; I am so thankful that we were able to spend 5 entire days together! I loved having the opportunity to talk about serious matters and not-so-serious matters--he can be a goof!
Day 9: We went sight-seeing around Branson. It's a beautiful time of year there. I am so thankful for God's creation and that He allows us to enjoy it!
Day 10: We spent the day at Silver Dollar City. Silver Dollar City is one of my most favorite places. My family went there several times when I was a younger and I love everything about it! The ride lines were super short; so, we got to ride a lot of roller coasters (probably due to our gray-haired friends). SO much fun!
Day 11: In the evening, we went to a murder-mystery show. The show itself was a little corny; but, we still had fun trying to figure out 'who-done-it'.
Day 12: We spent the day traveling again and stopping a few times along the way for some historical markers and interesting sites; and, of course, lot of talking!
We also discovered something this weekend that we now love: Duck Dynasty. I have heard a few people talking about this show and I thought it sounds totally ridiculous. I mean, why would anyone want to watch a bunch of hicks that make duck calls....not for me. But, we watched one episode and we were hooked. It's so funny (and I appreciate that it's a clean funny!) So, we spent much of the drive home repeating the ever-funny Uncle Si! So thankful that God gave us the ability to laugh. 
I'm SO thankful  for our little get-away from reality trip. It was much needed and I thank God for a sweet time together with my favorite man!

And for today, I'm thankful for a washing machine to clean all of our clothes from our trip! I couldn't imagine having to wash clothes the "old-fashion way!"

Until tomorrow....


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